To make a monetary donation, please write a check payable to Merciful Help Center. To specify where you would like your donation to contribute, please make a note in the memo field.
Checks can be mailed to: Merciful Help Center 1045 West 146th St., Suite A Carmel, IN 46032
Unfortunately, at this time we do not offer a way to donate online.
Donations can be specified for:
Choice Food Pantry Food - Whether you donate through green bag Sunday or any time of the year, all food and monetary donations are welcome at ANY time!
Choice Food Pantry Operating Costs
CommUNITY Care Day - Assistance to families in Anderson, Indiana with basic needs. We need help with ALL of the Angels that do not get taken.
Coats and Winter Wear - After Hamilton County Kids Coats giveaways, people come to the MHC for help through February, AND we supply coats for people at CommUNITY care day for kids and parents
Financial Aid to Families - People need help occasionally with keeping a roof over their heads, getting electricity turned back on, and paying for their gas to keep their heat on.
Furniture and Large Appliances - this will go to purchase beds when the waiting list is long
Gabriel Baby Pantry - We need pack n plays, cribs that meet the 2012 safety requirements
Housewares - We need pillows for families and cannot give used ones because of health restrictions. We have a long wait for microwaves and vacuum cleaners.
Spring Cleaning - Once per year we provide come extra cleaning supplies, spring seeds to plant a garden, underwear, and socks, and a Tools for School application
Tools for School - Assistance to Hamilton County children in need of back-to-school and basic necessities of life. Sponsoring a child is SO helpful!!
Underwear and Socks - Supplies all families in several counties with this basic need
Used Vehicle Assistance - You can give a working used vehicle or funds to repair vehicles. This gift changes people's lives. They are trapped and cannot improve their life.
We also provide services for the following: (and much more) Assistance to students for field trips Crutches, walkers, and wheelchairs to people in need the specialized formula for infants with serious allergies Specialized car seats for children with physical limitations Lift Chairs for elderly that have limited mobility Gasoline when people are completely out Resource Referrals